2013's Global Predictions By Goldman Sachs - JP Morgan - Credit Suisse - Citigroup - Merrill Lynch - Saxobank - Deutsche Bank - Morgan Stanley

Newcastle Coal to Rebound on China, Standard Chartered Sayshttp://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-01-29/newcastle-coal-to-rebound-on-china-standard-chartered-says-1-.html

7 ways HSBC is saying, ‘Risk on!’ to investors 


Citigroup: Five critical things needed to keep the markets flying 


Standard Bank: 2 things that may trigger U.S., global correction 


The Eight Biggest Mistakes Investors Make

JP Morgan: The 96 Charts That Have To Be Seen To Believed For 2013  
In many respects, 2012 was a year of waiting: waiting for a path forward on the European debt crisis; waiting for the results of a polarizing U.S. election; waiting for the Chinese leadership transition; waiting for a resolution to the U.S. fiscal cliff issues; waiting for the Middle East to find peace; waiting for a clear path to global growth; and therefore, waiting to invest additional assets in the markets (or not, as the case may be).

Read More: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-01-02/96-charts-have-be-seen-believed-2013

Blackstone: Byron Wien's 2013 Predictions Unveiled
While the predictions of Blackstone's Byron Wien (born in 1933), who may not be in the senate or "sleep-deprived", but this year will become an octogenarian, may have been all over the place in the past 10 years, some correct, but most miserably wrong (with a recent hit rate of about 25%), he always does provide entertainment value. Which is the only value in the latest release of his 10 forecasts for 2013. Naturally, take all of these with a salt mine.

Read More: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-01-02/byron-wiens-2013-predictions-unveiled 

Goldman Sachs: Top Ten Market Themes for 2013
What's Goldie telling its clients to expect for the coming year?
ll emerging markets aren't created equal, peripheral Europe still offers some systemic risk and the re-acceleration of economic growth after the first half "hump" among other things.

Details: http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/12/14/goldman-sachs-top-ten-market-themes-for-2013/

GOLDMAN: Here Are Our Top 7 Trades For 2013
Goldman Sachs has released its top seven trade recommendations for clients in 2013.
We have already highlighted two of the trades as they've been released over a period of days.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/goldman-sachs-top-7-trades-for-2013-2012-12?op=1#ixzz2GoGSkgl7

17 Macro Surprises For 2013 by Morgan Stanley
Morgan Stanley has created a heady list of seventeen macro surprises across all countries they cover that depict plausible possible outcomes that would represent a meaningful surprise to the prevailing consensus. From the return of inflation to 'Brixit' and from the BoJ buying Euro-are bonds to a US housing recovery stall out - these seventeen succinctly written paragraphs provide much food for thought as we enter 2013

Read More: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2012-12-16/17-macro-surprises-2013

Saxo Bank's 10 Outrageous Predictions For 2013
Our biggest concern here on the cusp of 2013 is the current odd combination of extreme complacency about the risks presented by extend-and-pretend macro policy making and rapidly accelerating social tensions that could threaten political and eventually financial market stability.

Read More: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2012-12-18/saxo-banks-10-outrageous-predictions-2013

More Un-Predictions: Deutsche's 13 Outliers For '13
Following on the heels of Byron Wien, Morgan Stanley's Surprises, and Saxo's Outrageous Predictions, Deutsche Bank's FX strategy team has created a who's who of 13 outliers for 2013. Quite frankly, given the extreme nature of monetary (and now fiscal) policy, asset allocation decisions, and bankers' and politicians' willingness to go into the media and lie directly to our faces, the comprehension of the possible (no matter how improbable) is far more important for risk management than the faith in the centrally-planned unreality our markets (and therefore ourselves) currently find themselves in.

Read More: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2012-12-18/more-un-predictions-deutsches-13-outliers-13

Global economy will strengthen in 2013: BofA Merrill Lynch survey
Confidence in a recovering global economy is extending into 2013 as investor fears surrounding the fiscal cliff ease, says a Bank of America-Merrill Lynch (BofA Merrill Lynch) Fund Manager Survey for December.

Details: http://www.business-standard.com/india/news/global-economy-will-strengthen-in-2013-bofa-merrill-lynch-survey/199976/on

BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research 2013 Year Ahead Report
BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research released its 2013 Year Ahead market outlook, saying that a cloud of uncertainty is likely to overhang the markets through a painful and protracted resolution of the U.S. fiscal cliff. However, global economic growth is expected to pick up steam in the second half of the year, ultimately surprising on the upside and pushing the S&P 500 Index to 1600, a new all-time high.

Read More: http://newsroom.bankofamerica.com/press-kit/bofa-merrill-lynch-global-research-2013-year-ahead-report

2013 growth forecast revised up: Credit Suisse
Korea and Taiwan’s 2013 growth forecasts are maintained at 3.2% and 3.4%, respectively. For ASEAN, we still believe Philippines offers the best chance of sustained domestic strength next year.

Read More: http://www.indiainfoline.com/Markets/News/2013-growth-forecast-revised-up-Credit-Suisse/5558385217

Credit Suisse Introduces Year-End 2013 S&P 500 Target Of 1550
Read More: http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20121204-702558.html?mod=WSJ_qtoverview_wsjlatest#articleTabs_article

Citi’s Energy Outlook For 2013
Citigroup’s 2013 forecast for energy commodities is somewhat mixed, though the slowdown in China’s economy is expected to have a significant impact on global demand and supply levels. Below we highlight what Citi expects to be in store for three crucial energy commodities:

Read More: http://commodityhq.com/2012/citis-energy-outlook-for-2013/

Inside Citigroup's 2013 Precious Metals Outlook
Citigroup (C) recently came out with its forecast for these four metals for the coming year, and Citi has some insights that investors may want to pay attention to prior to making allocations.

Read More: http://seekingalpha.com/article/1053711-inside-citigroup-s-2013-precious-metals-outlook

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