
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2013

Well Done For January Effect by CTASaham (11 Months DONE vs 2 Months LOSS)! Januari, Indeks Melesat 3,17%. What Next: Februari- Maret (Hanya di CTASaham/ MNC Biz Indovision Ch 100)

Rekomendasi & Strategy Harian Saham & Pasar Global

I n formasi Ini Bisa Update Di Dapat di Tw itter: A ndrizs; FB: Andri Zakarias (FB 2) Aksi Beli Asing Selamatkan IHSG dari Zona Merah. Net Buy Asing Rp 459 Miliar. Net Buy Asing 13 hari Rp 3.172 T   Overbought & Final wave v! SMI May Drop 5.4% in Next Two Weeks: Technical Analysis Hold Buy 1.700 & Buy BO 1.683 TP 1.693, Buy BO 1.697! Gold Drops in London as Metal Subject to ‘Opportunistic Selling’ IHSG selamat akibat aksi beli asing atas saham ini … January Effect by CTASaham DONE (11 Months DONE vs 2 Months LOSS)! Januari, Indeks Melesat 3,17 persen

Attention To All Students of Seminar CTASaham - 17 Jakarta: 3 Feb in Hotel Cipta Jakarta. Please Restart Your Blackbbery To Be Invited in Multichat BBM (Conference of Live Trading CTASaham)!

Rekomendasi & Outlook Saham - Global Index - Commodity - FX - US Stocks

30/01: Sold Gold (@Profits: 2.300 pips = Total Trades +35.536 Pips = 13 Profits vs 2 Loss ) RT @KontanNews: Emas kembali diburu di New York semalam Hold BUY USDJPY 88, EURUSD 1.3430 & Sell GBPUSD 1.5820 RT @KontanNews: Dollar menunggu hasil rapat FOMC   Hold BUY N225 & HSI! Japan stocks rise as earnings help telecoms; Australian shares hover around 21-month highs ... Hold BUY 13.670 & S&P 500 1.450 on strong wave v/3 RT @MarketWatch: Dow industrials end at highest ... Hold BUY $700 & Buy BO 666-671 TP 690 Next, RT @BloombergNews: Gold assets head for worst monthly ... Hold BUY (2) $ 15, (1: +72.6%) Ahead of Big Day BB 10! Sink or Swim Time for RIM as BlackBerry 10 Launch Looms ... Hold BUY $450 & 525 For End of Corr Wave 4 (?) A

Welcome New Member of LQ45 - PEFINDO 25 - IDX 30

Yang baru masuk LQ45 Feb 2013: SSIA MAIN GIAA MAPI BMTR BBTN IMAS SMCB; exit: BJBR BORN ELTY ENRG INTA KIJA TINS TRAM. New member  PEFINDO 25: PT Ace Hardware Indonesia Tbk (ACES), PT Erajaya Swasembada Tbk (ERAA), PT Kimia Farma Tbk (KAEF), PT Metropolitan Land Tbk (MTLA), PT Petrosea Tbk (PTRO). List LQ45 IDX-30 LQ-45 IDX-30

Sisa 3 Seats! Pelajari F.A/T.A/Bandarmologi ->"Best Portfolio Dari Best Stocks" di Seminar CTASaham Hotel Cipta JKT: 03 Feb. Dapatkan Harga Special! Daftar:

Telah Dibuktikan di Member CTASaham, Media TV, Twitter & FB mengenai Akurasi & Track Record Saham, Indeks, Komoditi & Forex   Level: Basic - Intermediate Saham Materi: 40% (FA BDmologi dll) - 60% (Technical by Sistem STAR) : FA (Quick Count)/ TA (5 Indicators + 12 AFL Amibroker - Meta Trader)/ Feng Shui/ Astrology (Moon Cycle)/ Bandarmologi/ Sentiment (Rumors - News)/ Tape Reading/ Management Portofolio/ Bonus: Forex - Gold Strategy Trading. *) Peserta disarankan membawa laptop untuk simulasi / praktek Technical Analysis.   Fee: Rp 2.500.000 Dapatkan EARLY BIRD (Disc Rp 500.000) Sebelum 31 Januari 2013 menjadi Rp 2.000.000. Untuk pendaftar @2 Orang / Lebih akan dapat More Discount   Daftar: Contact: 0813.196.11900 (By SMS) Terdaftar: 10 Orang No Rek. BCA: 6640.144660 (An. Andri Zakarias) No Rek. Mandiri: 124000.5130134 (An. Andri Zakarias) No Rek. BNI: 0191530357 (An. Andri Zakarias) * Lampirkan Bukti Transfer ke Email/ SMS 

Saksikan Analisa Saham CTASaham & BNI Sec: 14.00 - 15.00 WIB: Dealing Room MNC Biz Indovision Ch 100/ Top TV/ Oke TV/

Rekomendasi: Buy 1.640-1.630 TP 1.690 stop loss 1.620; Buy Oil 95 TP 97.5/99 selama di atas $93; sell cpo 2.500 MYR TP 2050 myr * Akumulasi saham yang baru masuk Pefindo 25 & LQ45 * Hindari saham yang sensitif terhadap suku bunga jelang data inflasi * Koleksi saham dr sektor property, consumer, infrastruktur Buy ADRO: Area Jual 1.730/1.770 Area Beli 1.670/1.630 TINS: Area Jual 1.660/1.720 Area Beli 1.590/1.620 SSIA: Area Jual 1.330/1.400 Area Beli 1.300/1.250 KLBF: Area Jual 1.120/1.150 Area Beli 1.080/1.030 TLKM: PE 14.64x/ ROA 12.8%/ ROE 26.58%/ EPS Rp 603/ NPM 0.2/ Div Yld 3.29x

7 ways HSBC is saying, ‘Risk on!’ to investors

1 of 9 Citing receding tail risks and building global momentum, HSBC strategists are making some big changes to the firm’s recommended portfolios. Among the moves -- shifting their inflation hedge from gold to Treasury Inflation Protected Securities. Why the makeover? HSBC’s Fredrik Nerbrand, the firm’s global head of asset allocation, believes the global recession risk is much smaller now, with reduced fears of a euro meltdown and/or apocalyptic U.S. fiscal situation. Expect below-trend growth and subdued inflation, but conditions should improve, he said. Here’s what HSBC says it’s adding to its strategic and tactical portfolios and where it’s selling: 2 of 9 Less gold. HSBC strategists are cutting their gold allocation by more than half in their strategic portfolio. “With systemic risks receding, we see less reason to have a large weighting in gold which adds a lot of volatility to our portfolio,” the analysts say. In the event of a recession, they now expect gold prices   to fall t

Analisa Saham CTASaham & BNI Securities: Senin 28/01: 21.30 WIB. Berita 1 News First Media/ Aurora/ Telkomvision or

IHSG & 9 Saham Unggulan! Spekulasi Lonjakan Inflasi Bulan Januari (Larangan Barang Impor - Pelemahan Rupiah - Kenaikan Harga Sayur/Makanan Paska Banjir Jakarta)

IHSG: selama di bawah area 4.463-4.472, peluang koreksi subwave c/4 bisa extended ke 3.878-4.341, Fase akumulasi meski terlihat kegagalan bertahan di atas 4.441 dari pola inverted H&S berpeluang menjadi rectangle 4.380-4.440. Inflasi akan dirilis 1 Februari (Jumat), dimana Bank Indonesia memprediksi inflasi Januari akan naik diatas 1%. ASII: Sell signal dari Overbought, Red signal, Long Cross Doji, kegagalan ditutup diatas Tweezer Top 7.800, picu Profit-Taking ASRI: Sell signal dari Island Top Reversal, Red signal, Bearish Divergence in MACD, Stochastic in Netral, namun strong akumulasi, batasi peluang penurunan untuk masuk ke fase Konsolidas, selama di atas Rp 7.500. BBRI: Netral signal dari Rejection Top, Yellow signal, Bearish Divergence, closed di 7.850 (tweezer top), kegagalan ditutup diatas Tweezer Top 7.800, seharusnya picu spekulasi peluang penurunan terbatas untuk kembali rebound, selama diatas Rp 7.600. BMRI: Buy signal dari Oversold, Green signal

10 Things to Know About Moving Averages

Posted by Wealth Wire - Tuesday, January 15th, 2013 Do you use moving averages in your trading? If not you are missing out on a very simple tool for finding support and resistance levels along with possible trend identification. It is very interesting to lay a 50 day and 200 day simple moving averages on to a chart for the past year. You will begin to see patterns develop. Bounce off the 50 day, a last chance for support at the 200 day etc. Each stock and ETF has different key moving averages and different reactions to them on the chart. It can really help your trading to know the key moving averages for what you are trading and clues to support and resistance, they give clues as to where the buyers and sellers are waiting. Ten things traders need to know about moving averages. 1. The 20-day moving average commonly marks the short-term trend, the 50-day moving average the intermediate trend, and the 200-day moving average the long-term trend of the market. The SPY is generally the bes

Analisa Saham CTASaham & BNI Securities: Senin 28/01: 12.20 WIB di TVRI

Ingin Tahu Outlook Saham The Laggards (Prospek Saham Grup Astra, Bakrie, Lippo & MNC, Commodity -> Saham Coal - Metal - CPO di 2013) Hanya di Super Seminar CTASaham -17: 3 Feb, Hotel Cipta Jakarta Untuk Belajar Astro Moon - FA - TA - Bandarmologi - Screen Tape - Tips & Rumor dll. Berbeda & Terbukti! Pendaftaran Terakhir Hingga Senin, 28 Januari 2013!!!


Outlook Next Week & Analisa Saham CTASaham & BNI Securities: Jumat 25 Jan: 20.00 WIB (Rerun 22.00 & Sabtu 07.30 ). MNC Business Indovision Channel 100/Top TV/Oke Vision.

Akumulasi Buy (Cicil Beli) TOTL: TP 1.120 STOP LOSS 870 Buy On Weakness! JSMR: TP 5.400 STOP LOSS 4.900 Akumulasi Buy (Cicil Beli) ADRO: TP 1.770 STOP LOSS 1620 Akumulasi Buy (Cicil Beli) LPCK: TP 3.650 Stop Loss 3.125 Akumulasi Buy (Cicil Beli)! PGAS: TP 4.800/5.000 Stop Loss 4.500

Who is Warren Buffett?, The Graham-Buffett Investing Strategy

J. Royden Ward writes: Warren Buffett is my hero. In my mind, he is the best investor ever. If you had invested in one share of his Berkshire Hathaway (BRK-A) 25 years ago when it sold for a mere $3,030 per share, your one share would now be worth $143,000 today. The increase works out to a compound annual growth rate of 16.7%. You would have doubled your investment every four and a half years! Warren Buffett Stocks How did Mr. Buffett achieve such remarkable returns? He invested in undervalued high-quality companies using a fundamental value approach. His largest holdings include: Coca-Cola, Wells Fargo, IBM, American Express, Proctor & Gamble, Wal-Mart and Johnson & Johnson. Warren Buffett has owned these leading companies for decades while ignoring the many ups and downs of the stock market. Warren Buffett is someone I admire not only for his legendary investment skills, but also for his intelligence, wit, down-to-earth personality and generosity. Known as the “Oracle of Om

Outlook Saham 2nd Liners: The Laggards (Sell Signal Continue?) ANTM - CNKO - GGRM - IATA - IGAR - TMPI

JCI: in wave corr iv/3, bull flag, fase netral & imbas Capricorn Moon ANTM: in sell signal CNKO: in sell signal GGRM: in sell signal IATA: in sell signal IGAR: in sell signal TMPI: in sell signal

Upgrade Trading Knowledge & Skill Anda (3T: Target - Technics - Timing) Hanya di The 1st Seminar CTASaham Advanced CTASaham Jakarta 3 Hari: 18 - 19 - 24 (Live Trading) Mei 2013. Materi: Astrology Part 1 (Pertama di Dunia Counting IPO Saham By Astrogann + TA) - 7 Fibonacci (Fibonacci Pinball dll) - Market Profile - Cycles - Neowave. Fee: Rp 10.000.000. Early Bird (Disc Rp 1.500.000); Member CTASaham: Rp 7.500.000. Tempat Dibatasi 5 Orang!

Get your FREE copy of The Eight Biggest Mistakes Investors Make

Why 90% of Traders Lose

The failure rate for financial market and commodity traders has remained at a consistently high 90% for many decades, this despite all of the advances in information technology and the flood of new learning materials that is churned out annually, therefore why is it that 90% of traders still lose ? In my opinion, a high 90% of traders are destined to lose because they are in fact learning from / listening to the 90% of losing traders that preceded them, who following wipe out in the markets have gone on to focus on writing about market price action and methodology with an even greater concentration observed to occur in the mainstream press as account busted traders / investors turn failure to trade into full time media careers and thus perpetuate a continuous cycle of failing traders guiding new traders towards similar failure. This explains why those in the mainstream financial press can literally miss WHOLE Bull and Bear markets despite trends that end up spanning many, many years.

When to Sell a Stock

When is the best time to sell a stock? The answer to that question is often as difficult and individual as deciding when to buy a stock. There are several ways to look at the question and you can roughly divide them into two main categories:     * Personal reasons     * Market reasons In this two-part series, we’ll look at the reasons you might want to sell a stock. Personal Reasons In this first part, we’ll examine some personal reasons for selling a stock. The second part of the series will focus on more market-driven reasons for selling. However, there will be some overlap between the two. Risk Tolerance Reached     You bought a company that looked like a steady growing concern, but instead it has turned out to be a roller coaster ride. For whatever reason, this stock is just too volatile for your nerves. Dump this firecracker and replace it with a stock that will let you sleep at night.   You Need some Cash     An unexpected major bill can sabotage anyone’s budget. Using a sto

Unpublished Outlook Oct 2012 - June 2013 by BNI SECURITIES & CTASAHAM: IHSG & 20 Saham Pilihan (7 Target Done)


Part 2: Look for Stocks with Low P/E Relative to Peers - Low P/E May Signal a Buying Signal

Use P/E Wisely When Considering Stock Purchase P/E Compared to Industry Peers Is Important Indicator A question that every investor must ask is when should I buy a particular stock? The answer will vary somewhat depending on whether you are investing in a growth stock or a value stock. Growth investors expect the company to continue a steep rate of earnings (or in some cases, revenue) growth in the near future. They buy with a certainty that, if growth continues as anticipated, the price of the stock will rise also. Value investors look for stock trading at a price lower than it is inherently worth. They are willing to hold the stock for an extended period and reap a large profit when the market discovers this hidden gem and bids the stock price up. Price/Earnings Ratio Investors often turn for part of their decision-making to a close look at the stock’s price/earnings ratio or P/E. The P/E is a measure of how much investors are willing to pay for the company’s earnings. You calcula

Pelajari Kombinasi F.A + T.A + Bandarmologi Menjadi "Best of The Best Stocks" & Outperform The Market (Success in 2010 - 2012): Join Member of CTASaham di Tahun 2013 di Seminar CTASaham - 17 Hotel Cipta Jakarta: 03 Februari 2013

Telah Dibuktikan di Member CTASaham, Media TV, Twitter & FB mengenai Akurasi & Track Record Saham, Indeks, Komoditi & Forex Level: Basic - Intermediate Saham Materi: 40% (FA BDmologi dll) - 60% (Technical by Sistem STAR) : FA (Quick Count)/ TA (5 Indicators + 12 AFL Amibroker - Meta Trader)/ Feng Shui/ Astrology (Moon Cycle)/ Bandarmologi/ Sentiment (Rumors - News)/ Tape Reading/ Management Portofolio/ Bonus: Forex - Gold Strategy Trading. *) Peserta disarankan membawa laptop untuk simulasi / praktek Technical Analysis.   Fee: Rp 2.500.000 Dapatkan EARLY BIRD (Disc Rp 500.000) Sebelum 21 Januari 2013 menjadi Rp 2.000.000. Untuk pendaftar @2 Orang / Lebih akan dapat More Discount   Daftar: Contact: 0813.196.11900 (By SMS) Terdaftar: 10 Orang No Rek. BCA: 6640.144660 (An. Andri Zakarias) No Rek. Mandiri: 124000.5130134 (An. Andri Zakarias) * Lampirkan Bukti Transfer ke Email/ SMS Detail & Info Seminar CTASaham: http://cta-saham.blogsp

Saksikan Analisa Saham CTASaham & BNI Sec: 14 - 15 00 WIB: Dealing Room MNC Biz Indovision Ch 100/ Top TV/ Oke TV/

Rekomendasi: Buy Breakout Gold 1697 TP 1720/1.750 selama di atas 1670; Buy Oil 95 TP 97.5 selama di atas $93; sell cpo 2.500 MYR TP 2050 myr * Perhatikan sektor yang memiliki isu positif dari banjir * Waspadai saham yang sensitif terhadap isu inflasi * IHSG di atas 4.500 rawan profit-taking Buy BSDE: Resist 1.370/1.490 Support 1.280/1.100 WIKA: Resist 1.730/1.860 Support 1.600/1.510 DKFT: Resist 470/490 Support 444/425 CPIN: Resist 3.875/4.150 Support 3.650/3.400 UNVR: PE 35.75x/ ROA 39.2%/ ROE 100.33%/ EPS Rp 624/ NPM 0.2/ Div Yld 2.66x

Hold STRONG BUY IHSG & 6 Blue Chips: Antisipasi Data Inflasi (Efek Banjir); Imlek (Ular Air) & Counting Wave Motive 3

IHSG: efek dari The Venus transit menuju the Uranus/Pluto square dalam Capricorn Moon & counting E.W in wave motive iii/3 setelah 4.381 & 4.427 di tembus. Buy breakout 4.428 TP 4.500/4.527 (Sell on rally) Stop loss 4.435. S&P 500: In wave motive iii/3 Hold  Buy S&P 500 1.450 TP 1.500 SL 1.400. DJIA: in corr wave c/2 naik to Hold DJIA @13.300 stop loss 13.670 (buy breakout TP 13.850). HSI: in wave major c/B naik untuk Hold Buy 22.750 & 23.000 TP 23.500 stop loss di bawah 22.500. N225: In wave c/X untuk Hold Buy 10.000 & buy BO 10.450 TP 11.350 stop loss di bawah 9.500. GOLD: in wave c/2 untuk menuju wave motive 3 rally (konfirmasi breakout 1.805) Hold Buy 1640 - 1680 1700 TP 1720-1750 SL 1.600. Track record : 29.356 points (9 profits v 2 loss) OIL: in wave iii/C naik untuk Hold buy breakout 92.5 TP $95-97, SL below 90 Hold BUY US Stocks: AAPL ($525) - FB ($28) - RIMM ($8.56) - NOK ($ 3.50) - GOOG ($650)   http://cta-saham.blo

P/E is most Important Stock Valuation Tool

Stock Investors Watch this Key Measurement For many stock market investors, the Price Earnings Ratio or P/E is the single most important number when considering the valuation of a company. As I have said in many previous articles, you should never buy or sell on a single number, however the P/E is the king of ratios. A quick review: P/E is calculated by dividing the price per share by the earnings per share. You can use historical earnings, current earnings or projected earnings to get different looks – just be sure if you are comparing the results to other companies you use the same period. What Market will Pay for Stock The P/E tells you what the market is willing to pay for the company’s earnings. If a stock has a P/E of 15, that means the market is willing to pay 15 times its earnings for the stock. For this reason, P/E is sometimes referred to as a multiple. In the above example, the stock has a multiple of 15. Companies with good growth potential will have a higher P/E because

CTASaham RECAP 14-18 Jan: IHSG BO 4.427; 2 Buy Gold (+7.000 pips); Oil (+250 pips @95); JPY TP 90 Done, EUR $1.34 DONE; RIMM (@$8.65: $6.15 = 72.%). Hold BUY S&P500 (1.450)-N225 (10.000)-HSI (22.750-23.000)--GOLD ($1.700)-OIL (TP 97)-AAPL ($525)-FB ($28)-NOK ($3.50)-GOOG ($650)

Outlook Next Week & Analisa Saham CTASaham & BNI Securities: Jumat 18 Jan: 20.00 WIB (Rerun 22.00 & Sabtu 07.30 ). MNC Business Indovision Channel 100/Top TV/Oke Vision.

Berikut Saham Pilihan Andri Zakarias - BNI Securities : IHSG breakout 4.427 & 4.450 (resist on bull broadening) in wave iii/3 strong buy sebagaimana diprediksi minggu lalu. TP 4.500/4.550 Next - BBNI: Resist 3.900/4.000 (Area Jual) Support 3.800/3.650 (area beli) - KLBF: Resist 1.080/1.200 Support 1020/980 - MAIN: Resist 2600/2950 Support 2500/2325  - ICBP: Resist 8.200/8.800 Support: 7800/7550  - MDLN Resist: 740/800 Support 700/660

Saksikan Analisa Saham CTASaham & BNI Sec: 14 - 15 00 WIB: Dealing Room MNC Biz Indovision Ch 100/ Top TV/ Oke TV/

Rekomendasi: Buy Gold 1670-1680 TP 1700/1720 selama di atas 1640; Buy Oil 92.50-93 TP 95/97 selama di atas $90; sell on rally cpo TP 2050 myr * Perhatikan sektor yang memiliki isu positif seperti monorel / mrt untuk konstruksi * Hindari saham yang memiliki hutang usd yg besar, karena high volatility dolar rupiah * Antisipasi saham unggulan menjelang musim lapkeu 2012 Buy BKSL: Resist 280/320 Support 240/210 TRAM: Resist 1.320/1.380 Support 1.230/1.180 WSKT: Resist 470/550 Support 420/380 INDF: Resist 6.200/6.600 Support 5.900/5.650 GGRM: PE 25.26x/ ROA 15.3%/ ROE 16.9%/ DER 25.4/ NIM 0.1/ PBV 9.8x

The Great Debate: Scalp vs. Swing

Written by NathanTucci on January 16, 2012 90 Comments Nathan Tucci is a young trader . His trading techniques are based on Mathematics above all else. Though he understands technical analysis and fundamentals; his personal belief is that all trading success comes down to the Mathematical principles integrated into all trading. He loves to develop and improve strategies, and is constantly looking for ways to take advantage of the Forex Markets. Trained by Casey Stubbs, Nathan shares Casey’s belief that price is the truest of indicators, and a firm understanding of Price-action is vital to trading success. Nathan loves to share his lastest ideas, successes, failures and thoughts so that other people can benefit from his scientific approach to the market. Follow his latest thoughts on Twitter. Today, I want to talk about one of the biggest topics among traders: whether it is more profitable (or perhaps logical) to scalp or to swing trade. In case you are unfamiliar with these two terms,

Elliott Wave & Capricorn Moon Effect Telling Why This Month is January Effect!

IHSG: efek dari Capricorn Moon & counting E.W in wave corr c/ii on the way iii/3 setelah 4.381 (Stop loss -31) closed di bawah 4.222 akan gagalkan skenario bullish short-term. Hold sell 4.350 & 4.273 done di 4.225 (+ 125 points). Sell 4.350 (2nd) TP 4.250 (+100 poins) DJIA: in corr wave c/2 naik to Hold DJIA @13.300 stop loss 13.670. In wave motive iii/3 Hold  Buy S&P 500 1.450 TP 1.500 SL 1.400. HSI: in wave major c/B naik untuk Hold Buy 22.750 & 23.000 TP 23.500 stop loss di bawah 22.500. N225: In wave c/X untuk Hold Buy 10.000 & buy BO 10.450 TP 11.350 stop loss di bawah 9.500. GOLD: in wave c/2 untuk menuju wave motive 3 rally (konfirmasi breakout 1.805) Hold Buy 1640 - 1680 1700 TP 1720-1750 SL 1.600. Track record : 29.356 points (9 profits v 2 loss) OIL: in wave iii/C naik untuk Hold buy breakout 92.5 TP $95-97, SL below 90 Hold BUY US Stocks: AAPL ($525) - FB ($28) - RIMM ($8.56) - NOK ($ 3.50) - GOOG ($650) http://cta-saham.blogsp

Outlook Next Week & Analisa Saham CTASaham & BNI Securities: Jumat 11 Jan: 20.00 WIB (Rerun 22.00 & Sabtu 07.30 ). MNC Business Indovision Channel 100/Top TV/Oke Vision. /

Buy BKSL: Resist 250/290 Support 215/200 TRAM: Resist 1.300/1.370 Support 1.170/1.120 UNTR: Resist 22.000/23.100 Support 20.000/18.850 AKRA: Resist 4.200/4.425 Support 3.800/3.625 MDLN: Resist 740/880 Support 570/490

Setelah Sukses Prediksi & Trading di 2010-2012, Join Member of CTASaham & Siap Berjaya di 2013 di Seminar CTASaham - 17 Hotel Cipta Jakarta: 03 Februari 2013

Pertama di Indonesia: S.T.A.R (System Trading Auto Reject/ Strategy Trading Anti Rugi) CTASaham (Berlaku untuk Saham/ FX/ Commodity) DI 2012-2013 TELAH DAPATKAN 79 AUTO REJECT UP LIMIT (25% - 35% & IPO 70% per Day). Berbeda & Terbukti!!! Level: Basic - Intermediate Saham Materi (40% Etc- 60% Technical*): FA (Quick Count)/ TA (5 Indicators + 12 AFL Amibroker - Meta Trader)/ Feng Shui/ Astrology (Moon Cycle)/ Bandarmologi/ Sentiment (Rumors - News)/ Tape Reading/ Management Portofolio/ Bonus: Forex - Gold Strategy Trading. *) Peserta disarankan membawa laptop untuk simulasi / praktek Technical Analysis.    Fee: Rp 2.500.000 Dapatkan EARLY BIRD (Disc Rp 500.000) Sebelum 18 Januari Rp 2.000.000 (@2 Orang / Lebih) Daftar: Contact: 0813.196.11900 (By SMS) Terdaftar: 6 Orang No Rek. BCA: 6640.144660 (Andri Zakarias) No Rek. Mandiri: 124000.5130134 (Andri Zakarias) * Lampirkan Bukti Transfer ke Email/ SMS  BENEFITS: * FREE