
Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2014

June Major Move! After 3 Astro & Technical CTA Came True; MAY Roller Coaster As CTA Expected (Gann Jan-May); JUNE C-Astro Black Swan

Gambar ady-for-a-major-market-nove-2014-05-28?pageNumber=1&allPages=True Warn CTA 21-5! LSIP AALI Fall As CPO Fall To 7-Mth Low; INCO Fall As JP Morgan Sees Drop in Nickel Price; ADRO Drop   WARNING TRIO ASTRO (28 Mei) COME TRUE Untuk Jumat 30 Mei  

As Early CTA Predicted Before, For Summer Attack Astro CTA (Part IV: 2011 - 2013 DONE) Soon!

FUNDAMENTAL (Low Inflation; Higher Foreign Reserve & FDI; Earnings - Dividend); FOREIGN FLOW (Foreign Net Buy Until 23/5: Rp 41 T; 2x Than Jan - May 2013) vs TECHNICAL & ASTROLOGY (2 Big Astrology - Effects) Indonesia Stock Index May Rise to 6,000 in 2015: Maybank Kim Eng. CTA: Downgrade 'Optimist' Level To 5.725; HOLD Moderate (4.600) - Pessimist (3.6xx) Levels. Matching High Rejection vs Accumulation! BN: Bank Rakyat, Mandiri Decline as Budget Cuts Spark Growth Concern  

Get EARLY BIRD & Free "Exclusive Membership CTA". Prepare Yourself Untuk Trade School II CTA: Hotel TS Suites Surabaya; 7 Juni 2014; Trade School III CTA: Hotel Cipta Jakarta; 14 Juni 2014

Untuk Semua Kalangan! Telah diikuti oleh lebih dari 250 Member CTASaham (Ex CTA 1 - 26 + T.S CTA I) & telah mengajar Ribuan Peserta (Non CTASaham) dengan Pengalaman Instruktur (Andri Zakarias Siregar) Lebih Dari 15 Tahun di Pasar Modal & Derivatif; nara sumber dari berbagai media TV & cetak di Indonesia. Tujuan: - Mempelajari Apa Itu Fundamental - Technical - Astrologi - Mengkombinasikan Fundamental - Technical - Astrology dengan Cepat & Simple (by Sistem: Tidak lebih dari 5 Menit/ Saham) - Menjadikan Uang Anda Bekerja Lebih Giat di Pasar Modal - Mengindentifikasi pergerakan pasar sebelum harga saham bergerak - Mencari tingkat keuntungan lebih dari Deposito; Reksadana; Fixed - Asset dll - Menerapkan Strategi Trading dengan "Powerful Trading System" CTAsaham - Trading For A Living & Retired Rich Rekening CTSaham:   An: Andri Zakarias; Bank Mandiri: 124000.5130134; BCA 6640.144660.  Informasi Tentang Akurasi & Trading System CTASaham: http

Terbukti Lagi Prediksi CTASaham! Setelah Pileg 9 April & May Roller Coaster (15 Mei)

21 Mei: Foreign Buy Rp 45 B vs Corr Wave iv (Trigger Range 4.819-4.968). IHSG -0,27% di Akhir Sesi I Prediksi Astro CTA Killer Gemini Sun + Mars Dx + Taurus Moon Attack:

CTASaham Upgrade Target Bull IHSG: 5.110/5.225 (Dari Total Bull: 4), Setelah 4.933/5.098 DONE Untuk Distribusi.


Gann Analysis: IHSG vs Sensex India in Wave v/3 Ahead of Summer Astro Attack (High Volatility May - August)

@ Killer Trio Gemini Sun; Aries Moon & Mars DX Attack In Days Twitter 15/5 -> 16/5 Sesi 1: BLOOMBERG NEWS: Indah Kiat, Sido Muncul, Inovisi Gain After MSCI Addition CTA: Breakout 4.933 - wave 3 TP 5.068 Gap; TLKM-BBRI (wave iii). IHSG berhasil menembus 5000! http:// asil-menembus-5000  

Sukses Dengan T.S CTA I (10 Mei) Jakarta: Ikuti Kesempatan Terakhir Untuk Trade School II: Hotel TS Suites Surabaya; 7 Juni 2014; Trade School III: Hotel Cipta Jakarta; 21 Juni 2014. Get EARLY BIRD & Free "Exclusive Membership CTA"

Untuk Semua Kalangan! Telah diikuti oleh lebih dari 250 Member CTASaham (Ex CTA 1 - 26 + T.S CTA I) & telah mengajar Ribuan Peserta (Non CTASaham) dengan Pengalaman Instruktur Lebih Dari 15 Tahun di Pasar Modal & Derivatif; nara sumber dari berbagai media TV & cetak di Indonesia. Tujuan: - Mempelajari Apa Itu Fundamental - Technical - Astrologi - Mengkombinasikan Fundamental - Technical - Astrology dengan Cepat & Simple (by Sistem: Tidak lebih dari 5 Menit/ Saham) - Menjadikan Uang Anda Bekerja Lebih Giat di Pasar Modal - Mengindentifikasi pergerakan pasar sebelum harga saham bergerak - Mencari tingkat keuntungan lebih dari Deposito; Reksadana; Fixed - Asset dll - Menerapkan Strategi Trading dengan "Powerful Trading System" CTAsaham - Trading For A Living & Retired Rich Rekening CTSaham:   An: Andri Zakarias; Bank Mandiri: 124000.5130134; BCA 6640.144660.  Informasi Tentang Akurasi & Trading System CTASaham:

CTA Upgrade & Hold Selektif Saham (Apr 14) CPO/ Metal (Nickel/ Tin)/ Coal Till Q3!

To All CTA Trade School Jakarta: 10 Mei (08.00 -17.00 wib) di Hotel Cipta. Next: Trade School -II 7 Juni Surabaya; TS III 21 Juni Jakarta; CTA Akan Off 1 Bulan (Di Bulan Ramadhan). Prospek Saham CTA: Sektor C (Commodity-Construction-Consumer) Attack di MNC Biz Ch 100/ Top TV/ Okevision 22.00 wib 8 Mei 2014 BBRI: BUY Target    (Resist)  10.250/10.500 Stop Loss (Support) 9.900/9.650            SSMS: BUY Target    (Resist)  1.360/1.420 Stop Loss (Support) 1.280/1.210 INCO: BUY Target    (Resist)  4.110/4.270 Stop Loss (Support) 3.930/3.775 GGRM: BUY Target    (Resist)  56.000/55.400 Stop Loss (Support) 53.225/52.550 ADHI: BUY Target    (Resist)  3.290/3.325 Stop Loss (Support) 3.160/3.075

Be Ready After Solar Eclipse Last Week Into "Cardinal Grand Cross Effect" Ahead of Full Moon in Gemini & Mars DX

Financial Astrology Can Boost Your Trading Results Some of the world's most successful traders have used financial astrology for amazing performance in the markets. But in spite of that fact, many traders are more than a little skeptical when they first learn about the idea of applying astrology to their trading. That suspicion is understandable, mainly because of the misconceptions evoked by the word "astrology." It conjures up images of fortune-telling and psychic phenomena, and is most often associated with reading your horoscope in a daily newspaper and talking about your zodiac sign as a conversation starter. But none of those misconceptions have anything to do with financial astrology. It's not about fortune-telling, and the knowledge that it relies upon has only a tangential connection to the popular emphasis on the zodiac. UNDERSTAND HOW IT WORKS Real financial astrology can help us understand the intricate workings of economic policies, currency manipulations

(5/5) Morning CTA (Tidak termasuk Live Trading Recommendation CTA): AISA ADRO INCO-TINS (Twit 3/5) SSMS SRIL

Gambar Analisa Saham Movers & Shakers MNC Biz Ch 100/ Top TV/ Okevision 2 Mei 2014: 17.00 WIB. PWON: SPECULATIVE BUY             ADHI: SPECULATIVE BUY AISA: BUY                                                   SSMS: BUY SRIL: SPECULATIVE BUY

Strategists: NO 'SELL in MAY’! Roller Coaster in Bull: Fundamental-Flow vs Bear: Astro CTA-E.W

ALERT: Stock Market Crash, It's Coming Sooner Than You Think... Why strategists think ‘sell in May’ is ridiculous Saksikan analisa saham bulan Mei 2014 hanya di MNC Business Ch 100/ Top TV/ Okevision: 17.00 wib/ Rerun 22.00 wib & 07.30 wib (3/5)