January: Hope For January Effect Still Exist While Survive From US Payroll; BI & FOMC Meeting


IHSG capai high 4.618. 21-28 Jan: IHSG 4.4%; ASII 6.8% SMGR 4% PGAS 1.2% SMRA 0% LSIP 12% ADRO 18% INAF 19% ELSA 15% PNLF 17%. Volatile Next Week Setelah Bull Astro & technical chart CTASaham menunjukkan trend kenaikan ke target 4.603 (See chart di twitter & blog CTASaham).

BLOOMBERG: BANK INDONESIA CUTS REFERENCE RATE TO 7.25% FROM 7.50%. As expected CTA: BI Rate; IHSG (Bounce Week); focus bank prop 2Kons 11/1
Harga emas Antam turun m.kontan.co.id/news/harga-ema CTAFX January Effect EURUSD GOLD; BUY OIL TP 34/35 TP Oil $30 DONE

"Danger" in weeks to come if DJIA & S&P 500 Failed To Closed Positive in This week.


IHSG memerah ikuti pelemahan bursa Asia m.kontan.co.id/news/ihsg-meme Momentum Bearish Swing Bullish Fokus Bank Prop 2Kons waspadai gap 4.409/4.453 Res 4.563/4.675 Gap
IHSG Sepekan: Bursa Saham RI Terbaik Dunia http://m.bisnis.com/market/read/20160109/7/508280/ihsg-sepekan-bursa-saham-ri-terbaik-dunia-mengapa BI Rate-BBM PER 25.5x redam efek Overbought; Foreign Sell Weekly Rp 615 M
Indeks Futures LQ45 dirilis awal Februari http://m.kontan.co.id/news/indeks-futures-lq45-dirilis-awal-februari Jadi lahan baru untuk CTASaham (Long/ Short) hedging saham fisik di IHSG

Guncangan China sebabkan bursa AS Jeblok  Potential Rebound ST Berkat Oversold, Payroll AS

Harga emas tertekan lagi  Sell on rally below 1.113 on Divergent; Payroll AS (CTA: +185K)

2016: Kilau emas teraman, properti
menjadi pilihan  Emas TP $ 850-970 selama < 1.250; Property (SMRA CTRA PWON SSIA)

Marc Faber’s forecast for the U.S. stock market is frightening http://www.marketwatch.com/story/marc-fabers-forecast-for-the-us-stock-market-is-frightening-2016-01-07

George Soros Sees Crisis in Global Markets That Echoes 2008 http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-01-07/global-markets-at-the-beginning-of-a-crisis-george-soros-says AstroCTA & Technical See Black Swan 2016 (China-M East)
Tersungkur lagi 7%, bursa China kembali disuspensi http://investasi.kontan.co.id/news/tersungkur-lagi-7-bursa-china-kembali-disuspensi Get Ready For < 2.000 - 2.500 For Major Corr C

January Outlook Analysis! Live @IDX Channel Pk 15.00 - 16.30 wib Indovision Ch.100| http://video.sindonews.com/tv/mnc-business/live-streaming

Sesi I, lompatan IHSG mencapai 1,17% investasi.kontan.co.id/news/sesi-i-lo 4 Saham Breakout Bullish; NRCA INDF GIAA CMNP TOTL 3W

18 steps to a new financial plan http://www.marketwatch.com/story/how-to-create-your-own-financial-plan-in-18-easy-steps-2016-01-05

One way to try to beat the S&P http://www.marketwatch.com/story/one-way-to-try-to-beat-the-sp-in-2016-2015-12-31?mod=MW_story_recommended_default&Link=obnetwork Stock analysts more bullish in 2016 than S&P 500 strategists http://www.marketwatch.com/story/stock-analysts-more-bullish-in-2016-than-sp-500-strategists-2016-01-05

Melawan arus bursa Asia, IHSG melaju kencang http://investasi.kontan.co.id/news/melawan-arus-bursa-asia-ihsg-melaju-kencang IHSG dalam range 4.409 gap - 4.623-4.675 Gap

IHSG memerah mengawali tahun 2016 investasi.kontan.co.id/news/ihsg-meme Setelah Desember Cetak 3.3%; Siklus Januari Selama 10 Tahun Terakhir terlihat Flat

Feng Shui: Bisnis Properti dan Saham di 2016 m.cnnindonesia.com/ekonomi/201601 Nantikan analisa Astrology CTA tahun ke 4 di IDX Channel jelang Imlek

Optimisme pada Tahun Monyet Api m.bisnis.com/koran/read/201

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