February: War of Gaps (3 Bulls vs 3 Bears), Currency & Oil Price, Astrology Cycle (Bull Till Mid Month) After As Expected January Movement

Why Tom DeMark is predicting an ugly fall for the S&P 500 in March http://www.marketwatch.com/story/why-tom-demark-is-predicting-an-ugly-fall-for-the-sp-500-in-march-2016-02-25 It suits to Volatile Killer 3 (AstroCTA & Wave)
Oil, Fed in focus for Street http://www.cnbc.com/2016/02/23/oil-fed-in-focus-for-street.html One Last Oil Rally; 50% Chance of US Recession; Giant Bear astroCycle & gaps to Come


"Indonesia central bank seen cutting key rate again on Thursday" mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSKC If USDIDR break < Rp 13.200; BI should cut 25 bsp

Dow will peak March 23…just after lunch: Analyst http://www.cnbc.com/2016/02/15/dow-will-peak-march-23just-after-lunch-analyst.html

Only the Fed can save stocks now: Deutsche Bank http://www.cnbc.com/2016/02/15/only-the-fed-can-save-stocks-now-deutsche-bank.html

IHSG Rebound, Jelang Paket Ekonomi X (14.00 WIB) Short Term Overbought Swing Med-T Bullish market.bisnis.com/read/20160211/

Gong Xie Fat Cai! Xin Nian Kuai Le.Zhù Ni Shenti Jiànkäng, Quanjiä Xingfu,Wànshì Ruyì. Wishing you a prosperous year, great health and happiness for you and family. Andri Zakarias Siregar & CTASaham.

Imlek akan kuatkan IHSG pekan ini http://m.kontan.co.id/news/imlek-akan-kuatkan-ihsg-pekan-ini Fragile: PER 27x Low Volume Overbought Daily; gap 4806/4891 Rotasi Prop Bank Infra

Analis memprediksi tren CPO masih bullish
http://m.kontan.co.id/news/analis-memprediksi-tren-cpo-masih-bullish Pergerakan harga nikel masih akan penuh tekanan http://m.kontan.co.id/news/pergerakan-harga-nikel-masih-akan-penuh-tekanan

Saham HMSP bikin semu pasar saham
http://m.kontan.co.id/news/saham-hmsp-bikin-semu-pasar-saham Fase Akumulasi, wave 5; overbought rawan koreksi, TP T.A Rp 121K-126K selama >89k

Besok, IHSG diproyeksi kembali terkoreksi investasi.kontan.co.id/news/besok-ihs Rawan Koreksi < 4.639 & Volatile Jelang Data GDP Q4 RI & &US Payroll (5/2)

Sektor - Sektor Jagoan di Tahun Monyet Api investasi.kontan.co.id/news/sektor-se

Berbalik arah, IHSG menguat tipis di menit akhir http://investasi.kontan.co.id/news/berbalik-arah-ihsg-menguat-tipis-di-menit-akhir >4.555; Foreign Buy Rp 416 M; USDIDR 13.630

Investasi di tahun Monyet Api menurut Feng Shui http://investasi.kontan.co.id/news/investasi-di-tahun-monyet-api-menurut-feng-shui

Pilih investasi pas di tahun monyet api http://investasi.kontan.co.id/news/pilih-investasi-pas-di-tahun-monyet-api

Menanti inflasi PDB http://m.kontan.co.id/news/ihsg-menanti-data-inflasi-dan-pdb http://m.bisnis.com/market/read/20160129/190/514305/indeks-bei-29-januari-catat-rekor-pemodal-asing-net-buy-rp14-triliun Inflow 3 Hari; > 4.570 TP 4.603 DONE/4.675; weak volume; rotasi sector

CLSA Feng Shui Index 2016 https://www.clsa.com/special/fsi/2016/ CTASaham hold 2016 predictions: currency wars; oil price wars; Wild Bull -> Challenging

Akhir Pekan, IHSG 0,27% http://m.bisnis.com/market/read/20160129/7/514092/bursa-saham-29-januari-menutup-akhir-pekan-ihsg-naik-027 Jan +0.49%; Foreign Sell Rp 2.4 T; PER 26x; >4.408 TP 4.696 -> 4.806


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